On this CE-approved release of Articles On-The-Go, listen as Hank outlines best practices for balancing school & a Sterile Processing career: "As with any other goal in life, completing college is something countless folks have done before you and many more will do after you. And many of us have also done it while working in our local SPD department. While becoming an A+ student/technician won't be easy, it's totally doable, and it's possible to do it excellently. Hopefully these tips will encourage you to stay the course, get the grade, and keep #FightingDirty wherever you go in life..." 

To read this article, take the CE quiz & download your certificate, click here.

Stay tuned for new CE approved Articles On-the-Go releasing each week! Bookmark our new AOTG CE page here: https://www.beyondclean.net/articles-on-the-go

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