Ep # 49 - Jerel Benjamin, one of our top business coaches at Predictable Profits, joins me on the show this week to share how systems can help scale companies, even during a pandemic.


Jerel has owned 9 corporations in his 23 year career and has worked with more than 50 different industries across 19 countries. He successfully took one company from startup to $3.1B in revenue in a period of just 19 months.


In today's conversation, Jerel describes the power of systems in business and shares his general philosophies from scaling companies. Listen to the full interview to catch all of his valuable insights and nuggets of wisdom. It's a fantastic episode.


Visit the Predictable Profits website at: https://predictableprofits.com/


Get Jerel Benjamin's full bio at: https://predictableprofits.com/meet-our-team/


Follow Jerel Benjamin on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerelbenjamin/


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