
Christopher Ouellette reads "The Music of Erich Zann" by HP Lovecraft.


And I talked about upcoming guest

Michael J. Evans  Evans: String Quartet No. 1 "The Music of Erich Zann" Sirius Quartet   Larry Blamire

To get the newsletter and Jeremy Robinson's Project Nemesis Kaiju Thriller Novel for free, sign up here:

Presented by: Jeremy Robinson

Hosted By Christopher Ouellette

With Music by Mercury Radio TheaterBlaster the Rocket Man, and Professor Elemental

This weeks episode of Beware of Monsters is brought to you by the charming people over at Peaceful Wellness.


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Christopher Ouellette reads "The Music of Erich Zann" by HP Lovecraft.


And I talked about upcoming guest

Michael J. Evans  Evans: String Quartet No. 1 "The Music of Erich Zann" Sirius Quartet   Larry Blamire

To get the newsletter and Jeremy Robinson's Project Nemesis Kaiju Thriller Novel for free, sign up here:

Presented by: Jeremy Robinson

Hosted By Christopher Ouellette

With Music by Mercury Radio TheaterBlaster the Rocket Man, and Professor Elemental

This weeks episode of Beware of Monsters is brought to you by the charming people over at Peaceful Wellness.


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