Today we are asking: What Should I Watch on Halloween?

Providing the answers are:

Film maker, Jason Krawczyk and Simon Vidoczy

* Jason made He Never Died and we interviewed him in Book 2 Chapter 11

Author Jeremy Robinson

*Jeremy just finished the final installment of his 

Nemesis SagaProject Legion

Illustrator Matt Frank

*Matt does kaju from Godzilla to Nemesis and just put out 

Godzilla: Rage Across Time #1 with Jeremy 

Derek M. Koch

*Derek IS "Monster Kid Radio" podcast!


For more Halloween goodness - Subscribe to get all the "What To Watch" episodes,

SPECIAL: Movies for Halloween II: The New Batch SPECIAL: Movies for Halloween 3D

and check the back log to hear our musical Halloween episode Book 2, Chapter 18 - Strange case of Doctor Gasp and Mr. Blakeslee 



To get the newsletter and Jeremy Robinson's Project Nemesis Kaiju Thriller Novel for free, sign up here.

Presented by: Jeremy Robinson

Hosted By Christopher Ouellette

 With Music by Mercury Radio TheaterBlaster the Rocket Man, and Professor Elemental

This weeks episode of Beware of Monsters is brought to you by the charming people over at Peaceful Wellness.

 Today we are asking: What Should I Watch on Halloween?

Providing the answers are:

Film maker, Jason Krawczyk and Simon Vidoczy

* Jason made He Never Died and we interviewed him in Book 2 Chapter 11

Author Jeremy Robinson

*Jeremy just finished the final installment of his 

Nemesis SagaProject Legion

Illustrator Matt Frank

*Matt does kaju from Godzilla to Nemesis and just put out 

Godzilla: Rage Across Time #1 with Jeremy 

Derek M. Koch

*Derek IS "Monster Kid Radio" podcast!


For more Halloween goodness - Subscribe to get all the "What To Watch" episodes,

SPECIAL: Movies for Halloween II: The New Batch SPECIAL: Movies for Halloween 3D

and check the back log to hear our musical Halloween episode Book 2, Chapter 18 - Strange case of Doctor Gasp and Mr. Blakeslee 



To get the newsletter and Jeremy Robinson's Project Nemesis Kaiju Thriller Novel for free, sign up here.

Presented by: Jeremy Robinson

Hosted By Christopher Ouellette

 With Music by Mercury Radio TheaterBlaster the Rocket Man, and Professor Elemental

This weeks episode of Beware of Monsters is brought to you by the charming people over at Peaceful Wellness.