Garrett Stuart, or Captain Planet as he's better known to loyal followers both young and old, has a diverse background in science and conservation. That education coupled with his Lakota and Scots background combine to provide a truly unique perspective on how we live with and treat our natural world. Garrett believes strongly in the importance of balancing the lessons and wisdom from our past with a focus on the unknown which still lies ahead of us, therefore he works diligently to educate for a sustainable planet for future generations to come. In this episode, Garrett and I begin with a discussion of his background and move forward to our mutual frustrations with those who are in the frequent habit of selling out our state for their own short term gain. More specific to the present, Garrett is beginning a series of monthly prayer walks to raise awareness over House Bill 1191, already approved by the legislature and awaiting Governor DeSantis' signature, which would allow Phosphogypsum waste to be used in Florida road construction. Phosphogypsum is a byproduct of phosphate mining that emits radioactive Radon gas and has been banned for the past 30 years. Remember the 2021 Piney Point disaster whereby Governor DeSantis declared a state of emergency? That catastrophic event involved the same type of waste so why would we want to risk using it in our roadways? The almighty dollar and special interests are killing our state right before our eyes if we continue to allow it. Tune into the podcast for all of this discussion and much more, get involved in the prayer walk to raise awareness on this issue, and get engaged in standing up for Florida before we lose her for good.