Between 2 Wheels Podcast: Cycling News, Commentary, and Analysis from NorCal; Host Tyler Janke, Curt Mills and Chris Flower.

Episode 199 - The Vuelta (Tour of Spain) inspires many cycling fans as it features the steep climbs of the Angliruand los Machucos. Today the Tour jumped on board and gave us the super steep bike path up the Col de la Loze. The results were even Vuelta like. Reactions and results of Stage 17. Bernal quits and some aren’t happy about it. The B2WPodcast gets some NBC Time (kinda). Bahrain - You miss 100% of the shots you never take? Is that true? Things that Make you go Hmmm.  The Ride of the Day. And Christian Prudhome gives Macron ….something odd?  We have the shocking video.
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