Between 2 Wheels Podcast: Cycling News, Commentary, and Analysis from NorCal; Host Tyler Janke, Curt Mills and Chris Flower.

Episode #151 - This is an interview we've been trying to coordinate for over a year but we had trouble lining up the available time. Finally, the stars aligned and we got Dr. Jason Brayley to come in and talk for awhile.  Dr. Jason Brayley is the current Chief of Sports Medicine for Kaiser Permanente and one of the Sacramento Kings team physicians (NBA basketball) and formerly worked with the Kenda 5 Hour Energy Pro Cycling Team (p/b Geargrinder).  Dr. Brayley is an avid cyclist and is also getting his two sons into the sport as well.  In 2012 Dr. Brayley was instrumental in developing the concussion protocol for USA Cycling.  We discuss it all including the current need for USA Cycling to update their protocol, heart issues in cycling and some key differences between cycling and basketball.  This is a great and insightful interview.  

Links for Dr. Brayley:

About Dr. Jason Brayley

SacBee Article on Dr. Brayley and the Kings

USA Cycling Concussion Protocol

Heart Articles:

Masters and Heart Disease

Shawn Rosenthal

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