Between 2 Wheels Podcast: Cycling News, Commentary, and Analysis from NorCal; Host Tyler Janke, Curt Mills and Chris Flower.
LOST EPISODE: We lost episodes #159-176!  But never fear, we backed them up and are reposting here for your benefit.  Episode #168 (Original Air Date: 4/03/2020).  
Tim Wooden is a 42 year old mechanical engineer from San Jose who travels the globe for his work, including Asia and China.  He has/had no preexisting issues that would put him in danger of suffering or dying from the coronavirus / Covid-19.  On March 2 he contracted COVID-19 and the next two weeks were hell to get diagnosed, living with the virus and fearing death.  This week we move away from cycling to give you a survivers story about the frustrations of getting tested, the dibilitating effects of the virus and the unknown lingering consequences of the damage done.   Take a listen to hear Tim's story.  He gives a cautionary vision and also a hopeful one due to the outreach and support. 
EP 168 on Youtube
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