Between 2 Wheels Podcast: Cycling News, Commentary, and Analysis from NorCal; Host Tyler Janke, Curt Mills and Chris Flower; CyclingNews.

Curt once again has better things to do than discuss cycling, but Tyler and Chris do their best covering the World Tour and NorCal races – and apparently this breaks Tyler’s heart – literally.  Are we blaming Curt for Tyler’s health problems?  Perhaps.  With the World Tour races, we discuss Amstel Gold, Fleche’ Wallonne, Tro Bro Leon, Tour of the Alps and a short preview of LBL (Liege-Bastogne-Liege). 

With the NorCal races we recap the Winchester Circuit Race, Auburn Crit, Kingsburg Crit and Visalia Crit.  We also discuss an inquiry from the Auburn Crit promoter/director on whether stacking these two events (Winchester/Auburn) is too difficult and calendar competition as well. 

We go over our winners and losers on the NorCal and World Tour scene and of course a short discussion on Lance and his settlement with the US Government and Floyd Landis.  Lastly we break some news regarding the Tour of California and the B2W_Podcast's plans for covering the race.  Also, hate mail has come to the the podcast.  We look forward to your love and hate mail as well.  

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