In this Episode we spend time with Jillian Lavender and Michael Miller who run The London Meditation Centre and New York Meditation Center. As Jillian and Michael take us through their journey from their corporate lives and the changes that took place we are fortunate to also be able to hear more about the benefits that vedic meditation practise is bringing to the increasing number of people they are seeing who are in search of some way to cope with the world as it is at the moment. And as we recorded this on 11th February we knew so little of what was about to happen with the virus. So we expect much of this may well resonate with you a little more. 

We hear how Meditation is so fundamental to who they are and what they do …and the enormous impact it has had on their own lives. 

But they also tell us it wasn’t always like this and how when they set out it felt a little like stepping in to the unknown. And how having one another to go through the journey with has made things so much easier. Jillian tells us that she could never have imagined that one minute she would be running a corporate business and then training to be a teacher of meditation. Michael tells us about leaving his career in LA and moving to London and what happened next. And setting up the business when yoga was so new to the western world but it was so much easier having each other and understanding what one another were doing and providing the support to build the business together. 

We talk about mental strength, personal fulfilment, sleep, complementary skillsets and much more. 

We loved spending time with Jillian and Michael and we hope you love listening to them. 

You can find more about Jillian, Michael and the business at
On Instagram at londonmeditationcentre and newyorkmeditationcenter
And on Facebook at 
And on Twitter @LondonMedCentre