Author Anthony Greer:
Anthony Greer is a slightly off-kilter contradiction. Sometimes he is a leaf on the wind and rides the sky waves wherever they him. He's a great conversationalist as long as you don't talk during Game of Thrones or Big Brother, and incredibly nice when he wants to trade resources with you in Settlers of Catan (don't do it! It's a trap!!!).

He was raised amongst the olive-skinned natives of a Long Island town before transplanted to the rain-coated, black coffee loving capital of the Starbucks world. He learned early after being too school for cool that tending bar supported his addiction to structuring sentences into stories of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery and Young Adult.

Anthony is unafraid to make big moves in the game of life, but sometimes needs to be thrown off the plane to figure out how to fly. Like a nine-lived cat he always land on his feet, and when those thick-padded paws hit the dirt he bears a smile on his face and recants a knee-slapper he heard on his journey, laughing half-way through the joke and usually forgetting the rest.

Links: @AnthonyGreerWA Book Links:Raven of Dusk: Transcendence: Messengers: Black Athame: 
Trailer Links:Raven of Dusk: Transcendence: Messengers:
Rep. Maureen Walsh:
In 2012 a video on marriage equality in Washington State went may remember it. Although, not the popular choice in regards to her Republican party- Representative Walsh promoted her advocacy- stating that the law being taken into consideration was an issue on human rights and basic equality.

A College Place native, before her career as a 16th District Representative, Maureen Walsh served as Dave Mastin’s Legislative Aid; also for the 16th District. She became a voice for the district of Walla Walla in 2005 as a Representative when she was inducted into the Legislature. Currently she sits on three committees; Early Learning and Human Services, Higher Education as well as Technology and Economic Development. She also serves on the Legislative Executive Work First Oversight Committee, the Children’s Legislative Oversight Committee and the Washington Institute for Public Policy Board of Directors.

In terms of precedence, Representative Walsh’s list includes addressing agriculture and water needs; making healthcare more affordable, making sure that youth have an opportunity in our constantly changing economy and protecting or most vulnerable members of the community including the elderly and those with disabilities. She believes in order for this to be accomplished that those with a leadership role within the government need to be held accountable.

Regarding the LGBT community, she is a secondary sponsor on a bill in the tentative 2015-2016 Legislative session that protects the rights and privacy of minors regarding their sexual orientation.

Due to her continued advocacy and hard work for all minorities- Walsh was named a top 40 candidate for the ‘Most Interesting Women In Politics’ in the Washington Post.

Outside of politics, Maureen owns Onion World, a business her and late husband Kelly started in downtown Walla Walla. She also puts a huge emphasis on family-spending time with her three grown children Murphy, Patrick and Shauna(who inspired her speech in 2012 and continued advocacy).

Thank you Representative Walsh for your commitment to be OUTSpoken!

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