Straight Talk

The Boyz welcome the point of view of the heterosexual persuasion, our brother from the other side of the aisle, Sather will be giving his view point! Tune in and turn up! 

Introduction to Gwen and Ty

What does it mean to be transgender? Straight to you from the voices of two self-identified trans individuals themselves; this is ‘Spill The Tea.’ Here to provide a rudimentary level education and allow you to begin to walk in the shoes of a different perspective. There is no set stereotype-there is no one individual. Tune in and see what the conversation is all about.

From the voices of two trans identified individuals- this is “Spill The Tea.”

Tyson is a 25 year old eager college student, always looking for ways to advocate within the LGBT community-more gearing towards the transgender spectrum. Besides being an intern with OUTSpoken; Ty spends his time as the co-chair of two Transgender Support Groups as well as attending school full time in pursuit of a Women’s and Gender Studies Degree in his last year at Eastern Washington University. He plans to further his education by obtaining a Master’s Degree at the University of San Francisco. With his degree he hopes to continue his advocacy within the community; primarily working with transgender youth-in hopes to further educate and build future leaders. He is absolutely thrilled to be a part of the team that is OUTSpoken, in hopes to continually break down barriers and will not stop advocating until equality is established for all.

Gwendelen is an out and proud transwoman in her youth, on a mission to break down archaic gender spectrum views. She has been in her physical transition since high school and has known her status from a young age. She has worked as a production assistant to the producer of the OUTSpoken show and is now emerging on a separate segment as a host. She has interests in modeling and leadership. Her goals in life are to give a voice to the transgender community and to educate those who are uninformed.