Go in between the lines this week for a brief synopsis of religious news pulled straight from the headlines.

Tony Minear offers both religious and spiritual insights concerning timely issues from the week of September 7, 2020: 
  1. Link for 1 Article:  
Why porn’s negative personal consequences are often really about religion  By Samuel L. Perry  2. Links for 2 Headlines: 
 Pew Research Surveyed Christians’ Attitudes Toward Casual Sex By Captain Cassidy  How Does Someone Change After Becoming Born-Again? By Ryan P. Burge  3. Links for 3 quotes:  Should Billy Graham — evangelist with an anti-Semitism scandal — get a statue in the Capitol? By PJ Grisar  Christian Century, “Observers of religion say Harris looks like the future,” Sept. 9, 2020 (p.14)  A New Orleans church is enforcing social distancing guidelines with humorous signs referencing scripture By Alaa Elassar