Go in between the lines this week for a brief synopsis of religious news pulled straight from this week's headlines.

Tony Minear offers both religious and spiritual insights concerning these timely issues from the week of August 24, 2020:
1.   Link for 1 Article: QAnon: The alternative religion that’s coming to your church Written by Katelyn Beaty of Religion News Service
2.   Links for 2 Headlines:  What pro wrestling can teach us about the quest for truth Written by Douglas Edwards of Psychehttps://psyche.co/ideas/what-pro-wrestling-can-teach-us-about-the-quest-for-truth

Does America have a ‘caste’ system? Isabel Wilkerson explains. Written by Barbara Spindel of The Christian Science Monitorhttps://www.csmonitor.com/Books/Author-Q-As/2020/0819/Does-America-have-a-caste-system-Isabel-Wilkerson-explains 
3.   Links for 3 quotes:Remember the ’90s, Don’t Long for a Return Written by Tom McTague of The Atlantichttps://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/08/brexit-trump-china-90s-golden-era/615406/ 
Christian Leaders Call On Fellow Believers To Take Science Seriously During The Pandemic Written by Carol Kuruvilla of Huffposthttps://www.huffpost.com/entry/christian-statement-covid-19-biologos_n_5f3ebd0fc5b6763e5dc07d9f 
You could die of a broken heart, doctors say Written by Steven Ross Johnson of Chicago Tribune