Go in between the lines this week for a brief synopsis of religious news pulled straight from this week's headlines.

Tony Minear offers both religious and spiritual insights concerning these timely issues from the week of August 17, 2020:

1.   Link for 1 Article: Pompeo's rights commission delivers an implicit critique of TrumpWritten by Mark Silk of Religion News Service
https://religionnews.com/2020/07/17/pompeos-rights-commission-delivers-an-implicit-critique-of-trump/2.   Links for 2 Headlines:  What Ever Happened to the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife?Written by Amy Weiss-Meyer of The Atlantic
https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2020/08/ariel-sabar-what-happened-to-the-gospel-of-jesus-wife/615160/ The ethical case for allowing medical trials that deliberately infect humans with COVID-19Written by Ofer Raban and Yuval Dor of The Conversationhttps://theconversation.com/the-ethical-case-for-allowing-medical-trials-that-deliberately-infect-humans-with-covid-19-1442403.   Links for 3 quotes:Nick Cave compares cancel culture to 'bad religion'Written by Unknown author of BBC Newshttps://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-53768254Who Are Your 'Friends'? Inclusive Leadership Starts With Your Social CirclesWritten by Mita Mallick of Entrepreneurhttps://www.entrepreneur.com/article/352492  White Christians at ‘a moment of reckoning,’ author saysWritten by Jeff Brumley of Baptist News Globalhttps://baptistnews.com/article/white-christians-at-a-moment-of-reckoning-author-says/#.Xz2-YOhKiUl