Tony Minear offers both religious and spiritual insights concerning these timely issues from the week of August 17, 2020:

Link for 1 Article: 
Pompeo's rights commission delivers an implicit critique of Trump  by Mark Silk of Religion News Service
Links for 2 Headlines:  

What Ever Happened to the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife?  by Amy Weiss-Meyer of The Atlantic 

The ethical case for allowing medical trials that deliberately infect humans with COVID-19  by Ofer Raban and Yuval Dor of The Conversation

Links for 3 quotes:

Nick Cave compares cancel culture to 'bad religion'  by Unknown author of BBC News

Who Are Your 'Friends'? Inclusive Leadership Starts With Your Social Circles  by Mita Mallick of Entrepreneur

White Christians at ‘a moment of reckoning,’ author says  by Jeff Brumley of Baptist News Global