Tony Minear offers both religious and spiritual insights concerning these timely issues from the week of September 21, 2020:

Link for 1 Article: 

 Netflix's 'The Devil All The Time' Exploits Faith In Dark Thriller by Jillian Cheney of Religion Unplugged

Links for 2 Headlines:  

 Plug-in: What's in a name? More evidence that Americans live in a post-denominational age by Bobby Ross, Jr. of GetReligion

Catholic group launches $9.7M campaign against Biden targeting swing-state voters by Justine Coleman of The Hill

Links for 3 Quotes:

Indian Man Spends 30 Years Single-Handedly Digging Water Canal to His Village by Spooky of Oddity Central
 A New Study Changes Conventional Thinking About Very Religious People And Helping Strangers by Michael B. Kelley of Business Insider

Jewish Americans Grieve Justice Ginsburg As Jewish New Year Begins by Sam Gringlas of NPR