Tony Minear melds humanist and Christian concerns and leaves you more informed. Today's articles:

Jewish group condemns United Church of Christ resolution on Israel, Palestinians by Yonat Shimron

Mainline Protestantism is America's phantom limb opinion by Samuel Goldman

What if the Unvaccinated Can't Be Persuaded? opinion by Ezra Klein

The Declaration for a Just Peace Between Palestine and Israel resolution reads:
“We affirm that the continued oppression of the Palestinian people remains, after more than five decades of oppression of the Palestinian people, a matter of theological urgency and represents a sin in violation of the message of the biblical prophets and the Gospel, and that all efforts to defend or legitimate the oppression of the Palestinian people, whether passive or active, through silence, word, or deed by the Christian community, represent a fundamental denial of the Gospel.”
Watch A Closer Look LIVE:  Sunday, August 8 @8:45a (MST)