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Highlight reel episodes in order of appearance 

S1E1 A Brief History of Opal Entertainment 

S1E4 Opal Entertainment Gets Silly with Random Topics 

S1E12 Liv Interviews Aidan 

S2E2 Opal Entertainment Talk with Hannah and Leo Driscoll-Shevchuk 

S2E4 Opal Entertainment Talks to Daved Driscoll 

S2E5 Opal Entertainment Talks to KC Katalbas 

S2E7 Opal Entertainment Talks to Donna Driscoll 

S2E14 Opal Entertainment's Musical Evolution 

S3E2 Opal Entertainment Talk Star Wars 

S3E3 Opal Entertainment Talks with Good Morning Bedlam 

S3E4 Our Friends Ask Us Questions 

S3E5 Animation 101 with Margaret Slater 

S3E11 Opal Entertainment Talk with hharmon 

S3E14 Opal Entertainmetn Talk with We The Least 

S3E13 Film Scoring and Storytelling with Rebekah Novinger 

S3E15 Opal Entertainment Talks with Raohnnie Jackson 

S3E20 What Does It Mean to Be the Least?