Could 3 words be the difference between success and failure for you over the next 12 months?

The recent presidential election proved once again that words are powerful. The words that we use, the language that we use has the ability to move people to take action.

For several years now, I’ve taken this idea of “words are powerful’ and completed an exercise that I want to share with you. The exercise is this, “Identify 3 words that would set the course, give you direction, and totally excite you as you move through the year and look at them repeatedly for the next 12 months.”

I started doing this 3 words exercise several years ago after hearing about it from Chris Brogan.

The premise is simple. Pick 3 words that motivate you, remind you, and guide you on your road to making 2017 your best year ever.

I encourage all my coaching clients to do this same exercise as it helps them stay focused on the most important outcomes for the year.

In today’s episode, I discuss my 3 words for 2017 as well as review my 3 words for 2016 and discuss how well I executed on them.