Tyler's Back, Wheel of Time, and Why Hannah Struggles So Hard With High Fantasy

Tyler is officially back in the studio after taking a few months off to be with his wife and new son. And Hannah is relieved, to say the least. Both of us need more time to prep for the next couple of episodes which will cover the lives of fantasy authors Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, but we wanted to check in, offer a preview of the upcoming episodes, and discuss fantasy as a genre (and some of its main sub-genres).

We also read an existential piece of kitchen flash fiction from friend of the pod Steve Cain.

If you've written something short and sweet, send it in and we might read it on a future episode!

Thank you to Jake Bassen for our theme song: https://soundcloud.com/jakebassen

As well as Cam Clawson, for our Correspondence Remix: https://soundcloud.com/camclawson7

Follow us on Instagram: @lewisandlovecraft @twclawson_pdx @thehannahray

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Website: https://lewislovecraft.weebly.com/

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