It’s official. Fan fiction has gone mainstream. Specifically, erotic fan fiction. Hannah makes Tyler listen to the success stories of E. L. James – author of the “50 Shades of Grey” series – and “After” writer Anna Todd. Both women started their writing career by imagining alternate storylines for existing characters – or in Todd’s case, Harry Styles of the British pop-group One Direction. They self-published online and then, after literary bigwigs saw their enormous success, revamped their stories through traditional publishers, raking in millions of dollars and snagging movie deals on top of it.


Tyler read nothing for this episode, his least amount of preparation yet, though he still managed to chime in with some insight.

Hannah read “50 Shades of Grey” and “After” and skimmed the movie version of the latter. She recommends you skip all three, but if someone puts a gun to your head and demands you choose one, pick “50 Shades of Grey.”


Thank you to Jake Bassen for our theme song.


As well as Cam Clawson, for our Correspondence Remix:


Follow us on Instagram:



Tyler is @twclawson_pdx


Hannah is @thehannahray







[email protected]