Holly LeCraw is the real life hero of book nerds everywhere.  Her […]

Holly LeCraw is the real life hero of book nerds everywhere.  Her dad founded Oxford Books in Atlanta and she grew up with her nose in a book.  Now she’s a writer herself and her brand new book THE SWIMMING POOL is really making waves (pun fully intended).

Though it may look like a beach book, it’s really much more than that.  THE SWIMMING POOL is at the surface (yup – I’m punning again) about a young man who falls in love with a woman who was once his late father’s mistress.  But the book also includes an unsolved murder, postpartum depression, and a pivotal cocktail party around (you guessed it) a swimming pool.  Alas, that still doesn’t cover it entirely.  After talking with Holly in depth (ha ha ha), I’d say the book is really about the choices we make either because of or in spite of the people we care deeply about.

When Holly and I sat down to chat we hit it off right away.  It turns out we have a few things in common and got to laughing pretty easily.  You’ll appreciate Holly’s insight into her work and her totally cringe-worthy pun towards the end!

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— Dana Barrett, Podcast Host