Melbourne Marathon recap! Zacca and Matt catch up to chat about what an incredible weekend the Nike Melbourne Marathon put on. They chat about how their weeks went leading into their 7th marathons, then detail how their races unfolded. Sharing in the ups and downs that can come along with a marathon! They also discuss how thankful they are with the support in the lead up to the race as well as the amazing support on race day itself.

Now that the marathon is over, what does recovery look like? Zacca and Matt share their previous experiences with post marathon recovery and give some tips and guidance as to various options to enhance that process.

Run2PB athlete Sarah Jayamaha also pops in to debrief about her amazing race at the Melbourne Marathon! She shares her story about how her marathon nearly didn’t happen, how her race unfolded, the emotions that go into race day and what’s next in a big 2022!


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