00:56 – Introducing today’s second AMA episode

03:31 – Dr. Stephanie introduces her co-host for today’s episode, Stephanie Major

04:38 – Dr. Stephanie and Stephanie Major share their words for 2020

08:58 – The importance of understanding the nomenclature

10:37 – Adrenal fatigue, explained

12:17 – The circadian flow of cortisol levels

19:04 – Strategies for fasting and TRE with a difficult work schedule

22:21 – Advice on managing cortisol levels, specifically eustress and distress

26:14 – Dr. Stephanie’s preferred method for hormone testing

28:37 – Strategies for identifying and lowering high cortisol

32:17 – The relationship between sleep optimization and hormone optimization

35:36 – Developing healthy sleep patterns

38:41 – The relationship between HIIT (high intensity interval training) and cortisol

43:36 – Harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle

45:17 – Breaking down the menstrual cycle

55:53 – Managing your emotions

1:00:03 – Supplements that Dr. Stephanie uses in her daily life

1:02:59 – Stephanie Major asks Dr. Stephanie her own questions about birth control for teenagers

1:15:10 – How to prioritize fixing our hormones

1:20:51 – Dr. Stephanie announces another upcoming AMA episode

1:21:50 – Where listeners can follow Dr. Stephanie and subscribe to her newsletter


“I’m doubling down on the [cortisol] slope because it’s predictive of longevity. The slope, in and of itself, is predictive of your life span, so how long you’re gonna live, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s, among other things.” (14:34)

“You want your cortisol to be at its highest point, at its peak zenith, in the morning and then you want it to come down after that.” (22:58)

“One of the things you have to be really, really, really mindful of when you’re doing any type of testing is the timing cause cortisol changes all day long.” (31:50)

“I really, really want to drive this point home where I want women to really learn how to harness the power of their menstrual cycle, because there are ebbs and flows in terms of hormonal fluctuations and energetic capacity.” (43:53)

“Symptoms are your body’s way of talking to you.” (57:15)

“I would actually life to start a little bit earlier and get teenagers really in tuned or at tuned with their cycle.” (1:11:39)

“If we are anything, we are houses for our bacteria. We are houses for our microbiota. And if we cannot protect our bacterial lineage because we are destroying it with the pill, we are endangering our future daughters and our future women. That is why I say the pill is anti-woman.” (1:14:50)


Better! Website

Dr. Stephanie’s Website

Dr. Stephanie’s Twitter – @dr_stephanie

Dr. Stephanie’s Instagram – @dr.stephanie.estima

Dr. Stephanie on LinkedIn

Dr. Stephanie’s Article on Sleep

Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map Collection

Link to Daysy (Fertility Awareness Tracking)


Chronic Fatigue, Burnout, are a cluster of symptoms including:

Needing to eat or snack frequently to avoid fatigue, irritationSalt cravingLow blood pressureBeing wired and tired at night, with difficulty falling asleep and frequent awakeningHeart pounding and palpitations for no reasonMultiple food sensitivitiesWeight gain, especially around the waistReduced sex drive and libido,Fatigue after intercourseBrain fog, with difficulty concentrating and remembering thingsLack of energy in the mornings and mid-afternoonMigrating pain for no reasonInability to handle stressful situationsAnxiety, panic attacks, dizziness, easily startledInability to tolerate heat or temperature fluctuationReduce exercise capacity and breathlessness on exertion like going up a flight of steps

True Dark Glasses

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Zinc & Magnesium Supplement Dr. Stephanie takes



Dr. Stephanie’s conversations with Dr. Jolene and here

Denmark Study: Hormonal Contraception & Depression

Dr. Stephanie’s Estima Diet

Dr. Stephanie’s Articles On Sleep


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