“Single women, we must refute ALL the lies that we’ve started to believe.”

I had a sensational conversation with speaker, author and single parent coach, Kaywanda Lamb. We met last fall while speaking at a conference in Louisiana. Within seconds of meeting Kaywanda, I knew that I’d made a new friend. She’s beautiful, brilliant, authentic and deeply wise.

A high school Spanish teacher by day, Kaywanda has raised two handsome sons on her own. She began coaching single parents while her boys were young and to support her family, Kaywanda returned to school to advance her education and obtain a Masters in Spanish.

 During our conversation today, Kaywanda is going to speak right to heart of single women who are searching, wondering and maybe afraid that they’ll never find a wonderful man who’ll love and cherish them. In fact, Kaywanda shares five lies that women often believe. Here they are:

Lie #1. “I don’t think that anyone will ever want me.”

Lie #2. “I feel like married women have it better than single women.”

Lie #3. “I’ll never get married because I’m too old.”

Lie #4. “A guy isn’t going to want me because I’ve been single too long.”

Lie #5. “Because I have kids, no one will want to marry me.”

If you are or have believed any of these lies, you MUST listen to this episode because Kaywanda walks you through these lies with God’s truth and practical advice to help you walk in freedom!

In this episode, there is so much encouragement to single women who are feeling down and rejected because they are alone. Here’s some of the encouragement that Kaywanda shares:

You have to live like what you have is enough right now; You are worthy; You have everything you need right now because God loves you and He is looking out for you.

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Kaywanda Lamb is an author, speaker, blogger, soon to be podcaster, and The Winning Single Mom. Her journey to being a sought out speaker, encourager to single moms everywhere, and a transformational business coach began when her boys were just 2 years old and 2 months. Kaywanda had a choice to make: to stay in a relationship that didn’t honor her or to raise her boys as a single mom. She decided to #doitanyway and has spent the last 16 years showing other women they, too, can parent, thrive, and win. She returned to college 4 times in that span, holds a Masters in Spanish Literature, runs 3 businesses, and is a certified principal. Her motto is “do it anyway!” because you can dream about it or you can be about it. Check out her website for upcoming events and coaching information.