From his very early beginnings in Warsaw, Poland. Martin’s parents risked everything and came across the border in 1972, and crossed the pond to establish a new life in Calgary, Alberta Canada.  

Martin learned about hardship, struggle, hard work, but in turn developed a very large heart to support everyone around him.  

Most of Martin’s professional career has been around the oil and gas industry, which is typically about money, grit, and time. Martin see’s it differently.  For him it is about how we care, we empower people, and improve lives.  Oh, and we also do oil and gas.  

He says that life is 10% what happens to us, and 90% of how we respond. Thank you Martin, for how you respond, because it is with great clarity that this is how you better the pond. Get to know Martin, and you will know what I mean. 

E-mail: [email protected]