Every week, the the team at Better Than Success round up the biggest and most important news, policy changes, funding sources and investing opportunities for real estate investors and small business owners. It's the market information you need to know before pulling the trigger on your next or first investment.


Find each article mentioned in episode 2 below...

1. Want to own an apartment building? Buy a distressed hotel for pennies on the dollar https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/04/want-to-own-an-apartment-building-buy-a-distressed-hotel-cheap.html

2. DC - Record-breaking demand for warehouse and real estate development https://www.logisticsmgmt.com/article/record_breaking_demand_for_warehouse_and_dc_development

3. Investors Betting Big On Single-Family Rentals https://www.bisnow.com/national/news/build-to-rent/rental-housing-investors-betting-big-on-us-suburbs-107655

4. Rental Landlords Lost $7.2B In Q4 From Missed Rent Payments https://www.bisnow.com/national/news/multifamily/residential-landlords-lost-72b-revenue-from-missed-rent-last-quarter-107667

5. Apartment Developers Increasing Unit Sizes For New Projects In Response To Pandemic https://www.bisnow.com/national/news/multifamily/apartment-developers-rethinking-small-units-in-response-to-pandemic-107654

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Get up to 100% Financing for your Renovation and Acquisition cost for your next Rehab go to http://btsfunding.com/