Every week, the team at Better Than Success round up the biggest and most important news, policy changes, funding sources and investing opportunities for real estate investors and small business owners. It's the market information you need to know before pulling the trigger on your next or first investment.

Find each article mentioned in episode 17 below...


FHA loan limits in 2021: What borrowers need to know


Homebuilder sentiment improves for first time in three months after a big drop in lumber prices



Artificial intelligence is taking over real estate – here’s what that means for homebuyers


On Wednesday’s event, How To Invest in Commercial Multi-Family by Using Group Economics with Harold he shared insights on commercial investing.  He shared that for a commercial property, the down payment is significantly higher than a residential property. Despite having experience, lenders  want anywhere from 25% to 30% down. He also stated that if your commercial property is located near anything that’s environmentally unsafe like a gas station. You will need to have a phase report showing that there’s no soil contamination coming from the site next to your property.

On Thursday’s live Q&A session with Asia Denson she shared that if you're planning to buy land and build a property you will need to get approval from your city, this includes presenting your plan, stamped blueprints, how you’re going to pay for it and having an approved licensed contractor. As a contractor herself she shared that in order for you to get a GC license in Detroit, you have to complete 60 hours of education and pass a test. The total cost is around $1500 which includes taking the class, purchasing books, and paying for the licensing exam .

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