Ground Leases Are Becoming A Popular Finance Tool, And Big Players Are Jumping Into The Space


Real Estate Is Way Behind in Tech. Here's Why and How to Fix It

How to refinance to a low mortgage rate — and pay nothing at closing

On Wednesday’s mastermind Driving for Dollars with Matt Kamp he shared that building your unique list that no one has is one of the things that top wholesalers do in the market. Because they are able to drive around and validate the properties. He also shared that the Deal Machine app has a feature where you can see all high-equity and vacant properties around the neighborhood, this can help you find the routes to them.

On Thursday’s Q&A Session with Steve Harris he shared that even good contractors can do bad work. It’s important to micromanage and lay down what you want your contractors to do specifically to let them know the outcome you’re expecting. He also shared,  mistakes are always going to happen in a project. What’s important is the response time to their mistakes. 

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