Every week, the team at Better Than Success round up the biggest and most important news, policy changes, funding sources and investing opportunities for real estate investors and small business owners. It's the market information you need to know before pulling the trigger on your next or first investment.

Find each article mentioned in episode 13 below...

Census Shows U.S. Housing Crisis Is Worsening As The Search For Fixes Grows More Desperate



Fannie and Freddie Helping Lower Income Borrowers With a Neat New Refinance Program



Should Real Estate Investors Pay Cash for Homes Now That Mortgage Rates Are So Low?


On Wednesday’s event, How the new SEC Rules Provide More Opportunity for RE Developers with Joanna, Joanna shares SEC rules, SEC approved platforms that you can take advantage of, types of investors in the eyes of SEC and where regulations started. The two types of investors under the SEC are Accredited investors - someone that has a net worth of a million dollars or more. And, non-accredited investors - persons that do not meet the requirement of an accredited investor. It’s important to know where you belong in this. If you are a non-accredited investor and you believe that you should be an accredited investor you can complete a self-certification by having your tax attorney or CPA submit a letter verifying you have a net worth of at least a million dollars or more, not including your personal residence.

On Thursday’s live Q&A session with Joel Kraut, he shared 2 secrets to building a large portfolio in 4 years. Joel has owned 144 properties and has had thousands of tenants. His two secrets are using other people’s money and knowing who the key realtors in different markets are and making sure they know you. You should aim to be known as one of the top three buyers in the markets you invest in. 

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