Previous Episode: Episode 90: Persuasion

Even we, three very experienced Book Jerks, weren’t really prepared for the nightmare that was Lady Chatterley’s Lover, aka Dicks out for Fash. One of us is Bolshier than ever, another has a distracted but still Polish mind, and the third is just a broken woman. We hope that you have your loins thoroughly girded, because this episode is sure to punch you right in those same loins. If you have haunches, watch out for punches to those too. We talk unsexy sex, Lawrence’s revolting fascist politics, disability, and… coal mining?

We read the Penguin edition with the gross cover and intro by Doris Lessing. We do not recommend that you read this or any other edition, because your brain is much less smooth having not read it. We discuss it on the show and recommend Terry Eagleton’s chapter on Lawrence in The English Novel, because it is genuinely hilarious. We also recommend Raymond Williams’s Culture and Society and The Country and the City, because they both mention Lawrence and we all need more Raymond Williams in our lives.

Find us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @betterreadpod, and email us nice things at [email protected]. Find Tristan on Twitter @tjschweiger, Katie @katiekrywo, and Megan @tuslersaurus.