This week we descend into the bowels of hell to bring you C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters (1942), a Christian epistolary novel about what happens when your demon uncle is also your boss and you’re both very concerned with meeting the Dark Lord’s soul quota for professional reasons. We talk about religion, Anglicanism, Lewis’s politics (confusing!), and Eton’s satellite campus in the underworld. We also discuss the two surest paths to damnation: saying “after you, my dear” too much and complaining about toast.

We read the Harper Collins 60th anniversary edition, which includes “Screwtape Proposes a Toast.” For more C.S. Lewis, check out his series of safety tips following an enchanted journey through furniture, The Chronicles of Narnia. If you don’t have time to read those just remember not to take candy from any sexy witches and that lions are your friends who would never eat you, unlike your demon uncle.

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