We couldn’t wait to read the new novel-length version of Richard Wright’s The Man Who Lived Underground, and it absolutely did not disappoint. Published as a short story in 1944, collected in Eight Men in 1961, and finally published as the novel version last year, the book serves as a major touchstone in Wright’s work, negotiating the space between his naturalist “early” work and his philosophical “late” work. We discuss race, religion, space, and style.

We read the 2021 Library of America version with Wright’s essay “Memories of my Grandmother” and afterward by Wright’s grandson Malcolm Wright. We also consulted the Harper Perennial 1996 reprinting of Eight Men with introduction by Paul Gilroy. We recommend Lauren Michele Jackson’s New Yorker article “What We Want From Richard Wright,” from May 2021 and Bill Mullen’s Tempest article “Richard Wright and the Police State,” from October 2021.

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