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Most of the websites we serve are in smaller markets.  And being in a smaller market, it's natural to compare your radio station website against those in large to major markets.  But keep in mind that the dynamic is completely different in those bigger cities than in your market.  

Their website may be a good place to look for more modern designs, but certainly not for "what should I do" in the content department.  The content you choose for your radio station website should be easily relatable to your local audience.  

I recently visited 20 random "big broadcaster" radio station websites across several random markets and noted some things that smaller market radio station websites can do much better than they can.  

1. Local News

2. Local Sports

3. Events

4. Contests

5. Local Banner Advertisers

Don't ever think that "big broadcaster" stations have more staff, so they are able to do more.  By in large, that's simply not the case.  They likely have one, possibly two or three, unlikely four or more, people with website access.  In many cases, they are more likely to have less than you do.  

Finding the right local content for your particular audience should bring surprisingly large amounts of traffic.  These traffic numbers are what you'll use to sell clients on those pages.  

We'd love to help with your radio station website.  Reach out to us at