Part 2

Segment 1 

What’s up, y’all? You’re about to hear Part 2 with Seth Kaplan, who wrote the book Fragile Neighborhoods. And my brother Seth knocks it out of the park.

In our last episode, Dr. Kaplan introduced us to the idea of why our places, work, home, schools and other institutions, matter so much to the quality of our lives. Over the last generation in America, we’ve experienced social decay. This is the thinning of relationships and a growing sense of isolation and loneliness. This isn’t an opinion, either. Every survey and study confirms this reality. You probably feel it too. Like we don’t have as many dependable, anxiety-absorbing institutions as we used to. Like it’s getting harder and harder to connect with people, even people we already know.

We’re in a prosperous and generally stable country, but we’re decaying from the inside out from lack of healthy relationships and communities. In Part 1, Seth left some insight as to how we can make that better in our own neighborhoods. In Part 2, we talk about the role the church can play in restoring and healing our communities.

Part of what I really love about this is that Seth is Jewish. He’s not a church insider, but rather a sociologist who has recommendations based on his research. He doesn’t really have a dog in the fight, nor does he have an ax to grind. Dr. Kaplan is as unbiased as you are liable to get to talk about the future of the church.

Listen to what he has to say.

Segment 2 

I think Dr. Kaplan shares a worthwhile challenge for the church. There was a question I heard at a conference awhile ago that I think applies: “If your church left your community, would anyone besides your congregation notice?” That boils down to impact. If your church is having a positive impact on your community, people would miss it.

And I think Seth is encouraging us to be deeply embedded in the local fabric of our neighborhoods. If you want to make a difference in your community, thickening relationships will be massive. He believes it so strongly, when I asked him if he wanted to share anything else, he wanted to address church leaders.

Segment 3

Can you feel that fire? Dr. Kaplan was preaching. Don’t just hear his words, I challenge you to put them into action. How can you make your “place”, neighborhood, school, college, workplace, church, or other organization, stronger. How can you forge thick relationships that enrich the fabric of people’s lives?

At last we’ve come to the Non-Judgment Zone of Joy. This one is different…

Segment 4

Y’all…I think we have a lot to work on. What Seth and I talked about is a curious kind of solution to social decay. In one sense, we can make it better right away. And the ownership is in our hands. We’re not waiting for the powers that be to change something.

In another sense, it feels a little daunting because we’re fighting against the design of modern America. Because the systems and processes and architecture that disconnect us from one another is the result of choices people have made. That can be kind of overwhelming. But anything done, can be undone. We have a chance to reinvigorate our communities with thick relationships to one another. And progress may be slow… but it’s worth it.

Buy Seth’s book: Fragile Neighborhoods. It’s a great read. And I’ll see y’all next time.


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