
In this conversation, Jon Pyle discusses the importance of spiritual disciplines, specifically the discipline of service. He emphasizes that spiritual disciplines help us thrive and become more like Jesus. Pyle explains that willpower is a limited resource and that disciplines can help us overcome our lack of willpower. He encourages listeners to develop the spiritual discipline of serving others, as it not only benefits them but also brings blessings into their own lives. Pyle provides practical examples of how to serve in various areas of life, such as marriage, workplace, and community.

Keywords: spiritual disciplines, service, willpower, thrive, become like Jesus, limited resource, overcome, blessings


Spiritual disciplines help us thrive and become more like Jesus.
Willpower is a limited resource, and disciplines can help us overcome our lack of willpower.
The spiritual discipline of service benefits both others and ourselves, bringing blessings into our lives.
Serving others can be practiced in various areas of life, such as marriage, workplace, and community.


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