I met Ezra Byer at a cool conference I had the opportunity to attend a few months ago. We hit it off, at least in part, because we care so much about the practical application of the Christian faith and moving it out of the Sunday morning box. Ezra created and leads The Monday Christian, a website and podcast focused on turning Sunday belief into Monday action.

You can continue the conversation in our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/betterontheinside

I'll be speaking at the Thrive & Cultivate Summit in May with a bunch of other amazing speakers like Kay Warren, DJ Chuang and Nona Jones. You can register for FREE here: https://www.thriveandcultivate.com/a/2147530380/oF6L4sE2

If you would like the All Access pass, which allows you to access the conference on-demand, use the code "JON" to get 10% off: https://www.thriveandcultivate.com/a/2147530379/oF6L4sE2


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