Why does evil exist? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why God why?

Have you ever asked God those questions? I know I have. At 20 years old, my entire life ahead of me, I was diagnosed with cancer.

My question was WHY?  WHY GOD WHY?  Why would you do this to me?  Why would you allow this to happen to me?  I am a good person.  I don't break any laws.  I don't treat others poorly.  My life has barely started and I have so much to do. Why me?

Maybe you didn't get a cancer diagnosis but something else happened and you found yourself asking the question WHY.

Even if you’ve never asked God out loud, I imagine you’ve asked WHY too. Maybe it’s why you left the faith. Maybe it’s why you never started. But when we face painful hardships in life most of us ask WHY?

Why did COVID spread all around the world?
Why are people in Ukraine dying?
Why are children starving?
Why did my dad leave?
Why did I lose my job?
Why is my kid hurting themself?
Why did my marriage end?
Why am I sick? Why am I alone?
Why didn’t you heal my mom?

When we face painful hardships in life most of us ask WHY? And it’s a good question. Our pain and suffering lead us to seek answers. This is part of the human condition. Maybe you were told that these questions were inappropriate for God. Or disrespectful. Or that they were silly and unanswerable. Maybe you were even made to feel bad for asking the question. Perhaps when you asked this question, people in your life responded with empty platitudes and hollow answers like: God never gives you more than you can handle. Or my least favorite: everything happens for a reason.

Have you ever heard that before? Doesn't it just make you so mad. When you’re really hurting, these responses to our pain and suffering so often don’t help. These answers rarely bring us hope.

I may not have an answer for YOUR WHY today, but I can offer some help. Through a story in the Scripture and through my personal story, I want to help you when you face pain and suffering. I want to give you HOPE! I can’t take away your pain or remove your suffering, but I can help you find hope. But you have to make a choice.


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