Almost any sizeable company nowadays has a code of ethics. The main catalyst for this were the corporate scandals in the early 2000s (Enron, Worldcom, Tyco, and others), and in the last couple of years having a sense of purpose has become pretty much en vogue.

As a result, every year millions of employees now dutifully complete e-learning modules and sign declarations (‘To the best of my knowledge…’).

The difficulty is that corporate codes of ethics are ‘duty-centered ethics’. Duty-centered ethics are ethics people need to formally adhere to, given their role or position in society. 

The real test for the way ethics are adhered to in organizations is therefore not the formal compliance with the code of ethics (for instance proving all employees completed their mandatory e-learning), but what happens in the daily reality of business life.

In this podcast, I talk about how organizations can achieve this. 

I hope you like this podcast. Let me know!