'I defy anybody to be energized by most appraisal systems I have seen in my career' - Sally Bibb

Most HR professionals and line managers (present company included!) are used to focusing on the 'development areas' of their staff. The idea is to take the areas of strength for granted and to actively work on their weaknesses (the word we so desperately try to avoid).

The question is, however, how effective this is, and which business opportunities we miss, by not building on the strength of our staff.

In order to find out what Strength Management is, and how we can implement it, I interviewed Sally Bibb, a thought leader in this area, for my Leadership 2.0 podcast.

During our conversation, Sally and I discussed the following topics:

0️⃣1️⃣ What Strength Management actually is
0️⃣2️⃣ How Sally became interested in the topic
0️⃣3️⃣ Is Strength Management incompatible with a Growth Mindset? 
0️⃣4️⃣ Why most HR professionals remain focused on Development Areas
0️⃣5️⃣ Implementing Strength Management in HR Processes
0️⃣6️⃣ How can appraisals be improved?
0️⃣7️⃣ Is strength management a generational phenomenon? 
0️⃣8️⃣ Will AI support Strength Management?
0️⃣9️⃣ Issues Sally is asked to address by her clients
1️⃣0️⃣ Final thoughts on strength management

Sally Bibb is a partner at PA Consulting, leader and author in the field of strengths-based approaches to people and organisations.

She started her career working for BT International and then moved into an international role at The Economist Group before founding the strengths consultancy Engaging Minds in 2012. In 2021, she joined PA Consulting as a partner to advance her vision of bringing strengths to many more employers worldwide.

In this role, she leads strengths-based organizational change work in Europe, the USA, and Asia, and has built a track record of achieving transformational results for a number of high-profile clients in both the private, as well as in the public sector.

Sally has an MSc in organizational change from the University of Surrey and has (co-)authored eight books. A full list can be found in the resource section!

She is a fellow of the RSA (Royal Society of Arts) and a member of the steering committee of The Daedalus Trust, a charity founded by Lord David Owen to promote research into hubris syndrome in business.


- Website Sally Bibb: https://sallybibb.com/
- Books by Sally Bibb: 

The Right Thing: An Everyday Guide to Ethics in Business

Generation Y for Rookies

A Question of Trust: The Crucial Nature of Trust in Business, Work & Life – and How to Build It (with Jeremy Kourdi)

The Stone Age Company: Why Companies Fail 

Management f-Laws: How Organization really work (with Russell Ackoff and Herbert Addison)

Strengths-Based Recruitment and Development: A Practical Guide to Transforming Talent Management Strategy for Business Results

The Strengths Book: Discover How to Be Fulfilled in Your Work and in Life 

The Strengths Workbook: An Eight-Week Programme to Discover Your Strengths and What Makes You Thrive


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