Previous Episode: BiH 40
Next Episode: BiH 42

41: my age. And I am happy to say also nerdily commemorated with one of the best mixes I've produced in a while. There is some really amazing music on this one. And dare I say, it has mad flow. It makes me feel how much I love music, and not just love some of it and like the rest (because really I do like almost all of it). That's saying a lot. It's one thing to love the sculpture in the out-of-place park on Manhattan's Upper East Side somewhere around Central Park & 115th, but another thing entirely to just love art.

This is yet another relatively short one; it is only 42.5 minutes long. But I guess, I figure, why bother making them any particular length? I never have the opportunity to listen to one from start to finish without bookends ever.  I doubt anyone does. So now I have a new standard: make these mixes great without regard for duration. Which neither raises nor lowers the bar, but only changes its position.

BiH 41 feat. CC33, Fink, Hebinomichi, John Southworth (one of the best songs this year), X priest X, Paperwhite, Jamie N. Commons, Caribou, Ballet School, Jaako Eino Kalevi, and this one absolutely amazing track that is a crazy mash up of Biggie Smalls, Louis Armstrong, Kwami Liv, and more by I have no idea who (Baby Duka).