Dr. K explains why the current rise in COVID Omicron BA.2 and BA.2.12.1 warrants taking sensible precautions, how to use masking, ventilation, and testing, and how older adults can live with COVID while avoiding excess risks.
The post 128 COVID Update for Aging Adults (5.5.22 Edition) appeared first on Better Health While Aging.


Dr. K discusses the current rise in COVID cases, the related risks for aging adults, what to know about the newest Omicron variants, and the most effective ways to take sensible precautions.

She covers:

  • Where we are at with COVID now, and the impact on aging adults

  • About the Omicron variants BA.2 and BA.2.12.1

  • What s changed (& hasn t) with COVID

  • The latest on COVID vaccine efficacy during Omicron

  • What to know about first and second boosters

  • The latest on how COVID is being transmitted

  • What to do for masking to be effective

  • Ventilation & checking CO2 levels

  • Does rapid testing still work?

  • What to know if you catch COVID

  • Whether to mask on airplanes & answers to other FAQs

  • Her top recommendations for taking reasonable precautions right now

Note: you can get the CO2 monitor Dr. K refers to on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3yhDtq8. This is an affiliate link, so any purchases will help support Better Health While Aging, at no extra cost to you.

Related Episodes:

127 COVID Update for Aging Adults (2.24.22 Edition)

Related Resources:

The post 128 COVID Update for Aging Adults (5.5.22 Edition) appeared first on Better Health While Aging.

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