Dr. K provides updated information on the effectiveness and safety of COVID vaccination for older adults, including information on the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. She also addresses FAQs about coronavirus vaccination.

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In This Episode:

Dr. K provides updated information on the effectiveness and safety of COVID vaccination for older adults, including information on the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson&Johnson vaccines. She also addresses FAQs about coronavirus vaccination.

This episode covers:

How we can tell the COVID vaccines are working

Data on how COVID cases and deaths have fallen in nursing homes and among people aged 85+

Current COVID mortality rates in older adults

What the latest observational studies show, regarding vaccine effectiveness in people over age 80

What the Johnson & Johnson vaccine trial data shows, when it comes to older adults with chronic conditions

What’s been found so far, regarding vaccine safety

Answers to FAQs, including:

Should I get vaccinated against COVID?

Should my 90-year-old parent get the COVID vaccine?

How well does the vaccine work in older adults?

Can you get COVID if you’ve been vaccinated?

Should you be vaccinated if you already had COVID?

Which COVID vaccine is best for seniors? Which vaccine is safest?

Should I worry that the vaccine might harm me (or my frail older parent)?

When can I get vaccinated? Which vaccine should I try to get?

If I’ve been vaccinated, is it safe to …?

Dr. K’s current recommendations regarding COVID vaccination and staying safe given current conditions

Related Resources: