Dr. K shares her updates on how the COVID19 situation has evolved, plus her recommendations for balancing safety and activity during the upcoming months.
The post 110 Coronavirus Updates & Suggestions (6.11.20 Edition) appeared first on Better Health While Aging.

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In This Episode:

Dr. K shares an update on the coronavirus (COVID19) situation and more recommendations to help older adults and people concerned about aging parents.

To watch the video version, click here.

This episode covers:

The coronavirus situation today
Key points on what Dr. K has learned about COVID so far (and what we’re still trying to figure out)
Updates on testing & reducing COVID transmission
If you re wondering Is it safe to ?
COVID & Older Adults: the tradeoffs we re facing
Nursing homes and COVID
Dr. K’s recommendations for this summer

Related episode: 

109 Interview: Nursing Homes & Other Long-Term Care During COVID Times

Related Resources:

News & Updates:

NY Times:

Six Months of Coronavirus: Here s Some of What We ve Learned
After 6 Months, Important Mysteries About Coronavirus Endure
Testing Nursing Home Workers Can Help Stop Coronavirus. But Who Should Pay?
5 Rules to Live By During a Pandemic
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count

Washington Post:

Hugo Sosa survived the ICU. But for coronavirus patients like him, that s just the start of recovery.


NEJM: False Negative Tests for SARS-CoV-2 Infection Challenges and Implications
FDA: COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
CDC: Interim Guidelines for COVID-19 Antibody Testing  (includes information on test sensitivity and positive predictive values)
FDA: Authorized Serology Tests Performance
AARP: How to Track COVID-19 Nursing Home Cases and Deaths in Your State
The Conversation Project COVID Advance Planning Guide
What is a pulse oximeter
Center to Advance Palliative Care COVID Response Resources – see info in the symptom management section.

Get their easy advance directives for almost all states here.
Get their COVID resources, including their PREPARE for COVID-19 Tip Sheet here.


Learn how POLST helps frail and seriously ill adults get better care, and find out what is available for your state.

Institute on Aging Friendship Line

This free service provides trained volunteers to talk to older adults who are lonely or depressed; they are also qualified as a crisis line for anyone contemplating harming themselves


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The post 110 Coronavirus Updates & Suggestions (6.11.20 Edition) appeared first on Better Health While Aging.