Dr. K talks with geriatrician Stephanie Rogers about new UCSF programs that make hospital care better and safer for older adults. They cover Acute Care for Elders units, delirium reduction, hip fracture care, and much more.
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In This Episode:

Dr. K talks with Dr. Stephanie Rogers, MD MPH, about creating Age-Friendly Health Systems at UCSF, and the specific programs they ve developed to make hospitalization safer and better for older adults. They discuss:

What are Age-Friendly Health Systems, and why do older adults need them?
Why Age-Friendly Health Systems emphasize the 4 Ms : mobility, mentation, medications, and what matters
How an Age-Friendly Health System differs from usual healthcare
Why hospitalization is often so risky for older people
What are Acute Care for Elders (ACE) units and how they help prevent problems such as falls, delirium, and loss of independence
How UCSF s Hip Fracture Co-Management Service provides better care and improves recovery
UCSF s Delirium Reduction Campaign, which uses a tool called AWOL to check every hospitalized patient for delirium
How delirium can be prevented, and what UCSF recommends that families do
How UCSF uses Patient and Family Advisory Councils to improve care
How to find an Age-Friendly Health System near you

Related episodes: 

039 Interview: Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems

062 Interview: Preventing Hospital Delirium & Maintaining Brain Health

Related Resources:

About Age-Friendly Health Systems:

Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems A vision for better care of older adults
Institute for Healthcare Improvement Initiatives: Age-Friendly Health Systems

UCSF Geriatric Inpatient Services:

Welcome to UCSF s Acute Care for Elders Unit
UCSF Hip Fracture Protocol
UCSF Delirium Reduction Campaign (includes information on how families can help!)

About UCSF s AWOL Delirium Screening Tool
Related articles on Better Health While Aging:

Hospital Delirium: What to know & do
10 Things to Know About Delirium


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The post 086 – Interview: Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems at UCSF appeared first on Better Health While Aging.