Dr. K explains six ways that memory and thinking change, as part of normal cognitive aging. She also covers the practical implications of such changes, sensible ways to maintain brain function, problems that should never be considered normal, and much more.
The post 072 Cognitive Aging: How Memory & Thinking Change as One Gets Older appeared first on Better Health While Aging.

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In This Episode:

Dr. K explains how memory and thinking change as one gets older, due to normal cognitive aging. She covers:

How cognitive aging is different from a neurodegenerative process such as Alzheimer’s disease
6 ways that memory, other mental processes, and emotional processing change with aging
Why certain mental tasks become harder in late life
The difference between fluid and crystallized intelligence
Worrisome signs that should not be attributed to normal cognitive aging
Practical ways to maintain better brain function, and to compensate for normal age-related changes

Related episodes: 

069 Evaluating Memory & Thinking Problems: 10 Causes & 10 Things to Check

057 How to Manage Cardiovascular Risk Factors for Better Brain Health

048 How Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Affects Most Aging Brains

Related Resources:

6 Ways that Memory & Thinking Change with Normal Aging (& What to Do About This)
10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s (includes examples of normal aging)
How to Promote Brain Health: The Healthy Aging Checklist, Part 1
Cognitive Aging: Progress in Understanding and Opportunities for Action (National Academy of Medicine Report)

Cognitive Aging Action Guide for Individuals and Families

Pocket Talker

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The post 072 Cognitive Aging: How Memory & Thinking Change as One Gets Older appeared first on Better Health While Aging.