For Older Americans Month, Dr. K reflects on what it means to successfully age, the role of resilience and adaptation, and how we might help support older adults in this.

In This Episode:

For Older Americans Month, Dr. K reflects on what it means to “successfully age,” and how we might help older adults accordingly. She covers:

How our conception of “successful” or “better” aging influences the way we judge others and ourselves

How the media and others often depict successful aging, and why this is problematic

A different model of success in aging which puts more emphasis on adapting to — rather than managing to avoid — common age-related challenges

Why aging might be less about individual choices than many people think

How we might better appreciate older adults for their resilience and adaptations to late-life challenges

Related episode: 

055 – Interview: Bill Thomas on Ageism & Innovations to Improve Aging

Related Resources:

What is “Successful Aging”?

Defining Successful Aging: A Tangible or Elusive Concept?

AARP Disrupting Aging video: Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like

Proactive Approaches to Successful Aging: One Clear Path through the Forest

Frameworks Institute: Reframing Aging

FrameWorks report: Aging, Agency, and Attribution of Responsibility: Shifting Public Discourse about Older Adults (2015)

NY Times series: When Old News Is Good News: The Effect of 6 Elderly New Yorkers on One Middle-Aged Reporter

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