Dr. K explains how to decide what an older person's blood pressure should be, based on recent blood pressure guidelines and the latest research on intensive blood pressure lowering in seniors. Learn to make sure doctors are measuring BP accurately, and more on what really works when it comes to preventing strokes and cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure.
The post 018 High Blood Pressure Treatment in Older Adults: Research Findings & Practical Tips appeared first on Better Health While Aging.

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In This Episode:

Dr. K addresses the question “What should my blood pressure be?” for older adults. In this episode she covers:

Why an expert group recommended a higher blood pressure (BP) treatment goal for older adults in late 2013
Whether the newer blood pressure research (known as the SPRINT trial) means you should change your blood pressure treatment
Why the usual ways of measuring BP in the doctor’s office are flawed, and how to better measure BP
Why she recommends a certain BP goal for most older adults, and how seniors can decide if they want to aim for a lower BP goal

Related episode: 

016 3 Reasons to Have a Home Blood Pressure Monitor

Related Resources:

3 Ways Home Blood Pressure Monitors Help Older Adults
Can This Treatment Help Me? There s a Statistic for That (NY Times article about the number-needed-to-treat)
What the New Blood Pressure Guidelines & Research Mean For Older Adults
New Blood Pressure Study: What to Know About SPRINT-Senior & Other Research
6 Steps to Better High Blood Pressure Treatment for Older Adults

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The post 018 High Blood Pressure Treatment in Older Adults: Research Findings & Practical Tips appeared first on Better Health While Aging.