Dr. K answers nine audience questions related to helping aging parents and coping with family caregiving. This episode touches on managing dementia behaviors, finding the right residential facility, helping parents who are refusing recommended advice, helping a mother with bipolar disorder, mild cognitive impairment, bad breath, and coping with caregiver stress. Related links are in the episode's show notes, at BetterHealthWhileAging.net/podcast

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In This Episode:

Dr. K answers nine audience questions related to helping older parents:

How to find a facility for an older father with dementia who is a “two-person assist”? How to make sense of the jargon on care levels and how are facilities classified?

How to help an older  mother with bipolar, especially if she seems to be going into a manic phase?

How to maintain sanity and better respond to an older father with Alzheimer’s disease, who gets agitated and angry in the afternoons and evenings?

Whether to worry about withdrawal symptoms, after an older mother is hospitalized and treated with haloperidol for delirium

How to keep assisting without losing hope, in the context of a mother with Alzheimer’s and an older father with Parkinson’s and sleep problems

What to do when it’s hard to get an older mother to take her medications, and how to get her to understand the importance of recommended procedures such as cataract surgery

What to do if both you and your elderly mother have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, and how to handle caregiving issues

Whether anxiety can cause abdominal pain and shortness of breath in someone with dementia, and how to improve bad breath that has been attributed to acid reflux

What can be done if an older father with mild cognitive impairment has been refusing to leave the house for several months

Expert contributors to some answers:

Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elderlaw Attorney, AgingParents.com

Mary Hulme, LCSW, Licensed Geriatric Social Worker, MoonstoneGeriatric.com

Related Episode:

008 Helping Families with Memory Loss: The Care to Plan Online Tool

Related Resources:

Eldercare Locator (Use to find your local Area Agency on Aging)

Assisted Living Levels of Care

Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance: Helping Others Throughout Their Lives

Symptoms, Signs & Effects of Bipolar Disorder in Seniors

Durable Financial Power of Attorney: How It Works

Family Caregiver Alliance: Caregiver’s Guide to Understanding Dementia Behaviors

Alzheimer’s Association Care Training Resources

10 Things to Know About Delirium

Hospital Delirium: What to know & do

Taking Care of YOU: Self-Care for Family Caregivers

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

How to Age Better by Optimizing Chronic Conditions: The Healthy Aging Checklist Part 4

4 Things to Do When Your Parents Are Resisting Help

How to Promote Brain Health

Alzheimer’s Association: Mild Cognitive Impairment

Mayo Clinic: Mild Cognitive Impairment

Planning for Long-Term Care for Dummies

The 2015 American Geriatrics Society Updated Beers Criteria: Medications that Older Adults Should Avoid or Use with Caution

Mayo Clinic: Symptoms & Causes of Bad Breath

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